If it is running, please exit and try again.

This release extends additional support for IE’s Enhanced Protected Mode.ģ678160 When Reader’s Protected Mode is OFF and E11/IE10’s (Win 8 32-bit) EPM is ON, a gray page appears with a dialog “There is a problem with Adobe Acrobat/Reader. tiff) when importing signature images.ģ571055 OCR recognizes text during Export PDF operation even when disabled. Setting iImportAddressBook to 2 now enables the silent import of address books.įor configuration details, see the Preference Reference. Thus, admins could not deploy new versions without having end users see the import dialog.

Prior versions only allowed turning the feature off and on, and it was not possible to import certificate data silently. The address book contains the certificate details used in signature workflows. Additional improvements in this area are targeted for future releases.Ī new preference has been added that specifies whether the addressbook.acrodata file should be imported during a new install. Support for Enhanced Protected Mode in Internet Explorer.ģ302756 Active content (such as JS, JAVA, and Flash) is blocked for HTML portfolio previews when Protected Mode is enabled.Īcrobat product enhancements include redesigns that reduce the amount of energy consumed by certain features, thereby potentially extending a device’s battery life. Update blacklisted file extensions in HKLM’s FeatureLockDown\cDefaultLaunchAttachmentPerms\tBuiltInPermList. Security hardening and expanded sandbox support occurs with each release. These updates resolve a use-after-free vulnerability that could lead to code execution (CVE-2014-0496). These updates resolve memory corruption vulnerabilities that could lead to code execution (CVE-2014-0493, CVE-2014-0495). Updaten gaat het makkelijkst met de ingebouwde update-functie van Adobe onder Help. Ten slotte zijn in Adobe Reader 11.0.06 nog tientallen kleine wijzigingen doorgevoerd en fouten opgelost, die hieronder na te lezen zijn.Īdobe Reader 11.0.06 is te verkrijgen voor Windows en Mac OS X. Deze beveiligde modus zorgt ervoor dat potentieel schadelijke pdf-documenten in een sandbox (zandbak) met beperkende maatregelen worden ingelezen, zodat geen kwaadaardige code kan worden uitgevoerd. Ook is de beveiliging van Reader 11.0.06 aangescherpt door diverse verbeteringen van de Beveiligde Modus. Adobe Reader 11.0.06 is een beveiligingsupdate die drie ernstige lekken dichtplakt. Van de bekende pdf-lezer Adobe Reader is dinsdagavond een reguliere driemaandelijkse update uitgebracht.